Native Youth &
Elder Program

This program was started in conjunction with the Black Hills Sioux Nation Council and members of the International Indigenous Youth Council that was founded at Standing Rock. During this time, elders and youth alike recognized the immense need for media created by and for the People. By teaming up with trained professionals in media, filmmaking, editing, and journalism, we were able to assist in creating a platform for Native made, youth media. This project is ongoing.
We have partnered with the Black Hills Sioux Nation Council and the International Indigenous Youth Council in their efforts to put forth alternative narratives regarding their experience at Standing Rock and the importance of The Black Hills for the People and the world.
This program will help to train and mentor Native youth who are interested in learning media and journalism techniques and in sharing their powerful stories.
Top media experts will help to guide and train them, and communication technology (that they keep) will be provided to them. In addition, funds will be raised to bring Elders from the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations together to help strategize for the future and welfare of the People and the environment.
Our first collaborative video is called "The Journey of Standing Rock".